Feng Shui for Relationships, Marriage, Love

FfamilyValentine’s Day at our house was a celebration of Chi. My son was visiting with his two sons at our island home. The weather was beautiful after a few rainy days, and the sun came out for the afternoon. After a quick lunch, “the guys” went outside to start up the riding mowers and race around the property. We have four lots on the property, so there are a lot of hidden places to explore. My 7-year-old grandson has his own rebuilt mower, which my husband has converted to a runabout. The second grandson steers as his grandpa regulates the motor of the other vehicle. I watch the procession with breathtaking scenery of water, land and loved ones as a backdrop, through the large windows of the house while doing dishes. I finish up quickly, reminding myself that each moment is a memory. Grabbing the camera, I capture the children laughing, yelling and growing.

Back in the house after the excursion, the crew scatters Valentine cards over the entire living room, as tomorrow is the true Valentine’s Day, and school parties are scheduled. I bake Valentine cookies at the request of the littlest guy, while my son gets highly involved in lists of classmates who each need a card in both classes. The kitchen overlooks the whole process. I burst into laughter at the seriousness of the situation. My husband laughs also. Our son and his children look at us as if we had just lost our minds to find humor in their busy job. My mind wanders back many years to the same Valentine excitement of our kids, and I try to put on a serious face for the moment. The cards are each double-checked for spelling and an extra mark next to names, making sure no one is forgotten.

This month’s energy of loving those around our partners and us is special. Showing our children our love for each other is a gift. Put aside past and present differences. Make a commitment to heal NOW. Speak your truth and work through relationship problems. Sometimes divorce is the only way. Chaos only closes the heart energy or charka, thus creating illness. Please put aside anger, fear, blame and revenge as they can manifest Chi, which is toxic. Work on your own forgiveness, as with each meditation, prayer or mantra the energy around your home and body balance and change a space. I can Feng Shui your home, office, business, but your job is to keep the “clutter” of the living or working space clear, mind, body and spirit.

Play balancing music, ring bells, open windows – voices of the children – and doors – voices of adults, letting in fresh air, so that each will communicate. Delete old phone and email messages, buy 40-50 mm round lead faceted crystals and place them in the corners of your home for clarity. Give intention to each crystal as it is hung, as the rainbow effect created by the leaded ball will transform energy into action. Where do you need action and clarity? Career, Knowledge, Family, Fame, Partnership, Children and Creativity, Helpful People or Health? For my former clients, reread my mapping for your homes and business. Have you put into action all of the information I gave you? Some things I suggested during your consultation may have seemed insignificant, but are huge in value.

Here is an email question that relates to the Element of Water and Partnership. I hope it will bring some more light to this complex adjustment of relationship harmony.

Dear Caroline,

We have a back deck that faces west. The door to the deck is sliding glass. The hot tub is for three people. The deck has a glass ceiling.

Where should I put the hot tub?

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to my problem.

A Reader

Dear Reader,

Thanks for your question.

The Bagua, or eight-sided octagon containing the aspirations and Elements of life, are reflected in your home’s floor plan according to the Feng Shui principles. I have found hot tubs placed in the Partnership section, or the far back right area of a home, inside or outside, to be a problem. Having said that, don’t panic if you have already installed one in this location. The reason for this statement is this Marriage Gua or Earth is related, so too much Water in this section can “drown out” your relationship. To balance out the overabundance of Water, add some candles, romantic lights, tiki torches, or an outdoor firepot.

WchalisMy personal opinion and advice is to place the hot tub in the Wealth corner of the home or property or the far back left of the deck in your layout, as money flows to the house on Water. Make sure it is always working, clean and turned on. A broken fountain or other Water feature that is not running can be disabling to the cure or enhancement. Last but not least, the biggest obstacle about hot tubs placed in the Partnership Triad is they “invite” too many people into a Partnership, as they usually have more than two seating areas. Oops! This same rule applies to entertaining guests or using the Marriage side of the lot for swing sets and children’s toys. If you find yourself with this home layout, please restore or stack the excess chairs, etc. when the party is finished. Return two chairs to the outdoor table, or place a peach or orange tree in this Earth zone. Pink flowers are always a welcome visual sight, as Pink is the color for love.

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