Animals Big and Small

Animals Big and Small Symbolize Fame

A consulting business by Kathleen M. Karlsen, M.A., incorporates the principles of Feng Shui into design and fine art decoration: Color, sound and the impact of imagery create powerful effects for human wellness.

I agree 100%. She writes that there are three major types of animal forms: domestic, wild and mythical beasts.

  1. Domestic animals are indicative of conscious cooperation with nature through positive interrelationships between man and animals.
  2. Wild animals depict untamed nature and man’s own untamed desires.
  3. Mythical beasts exist in the real of the imagination and are especially compelling in their graphic representation of future potential and magical, unlimited resources.

One way to make friends is to acquire a domestic pet and go for a walk. Meeting new people won’t be a problem. A little ball of fuzz or a short-haired 200-lb. dog will draw energy or Chi to you within minutes. These cute or scary partners become attention magnets. People stop to inquire about your pet.

In China cats are kept to help keep the home free of rats and mice. Although these creatures are considered domestic, they also are connected to the mysterious, hidden forces of nature.

The untamed wild kingdom might include lions, tigers, birds or tortoises. Images of any animal can be used in the Fame or Fire section of the home located at the middle back area of the house. The wild nature of these beasts are used as protectors. Fu Dogs (Chinese lion dogs) or English-type lion statues might be at entranceways to the property or the front door of the dwelling. These visual pieces are symbolic of strength, flexibility and courage.

theguardiansThe dragon and bird like phoenix complete the third dimension to this animal symbolism. As a child, my mother and father took me to see the famous movie Wizard of Oz. Not wanting to show my mounting terror of the horrible wicked witch unrelentingly chasing Dorothy from Kansas, slowly I glued myself to the back of the movie theater seat, held my breath in silence and turned white. Since my parents considered me a fearless child, I wasn’t about to let them see my terror. Sleep became impossible. I wiggled to stay awake, counted the repetitive gaudy patterns of red, yellow and gold autumn leaves dancing on the walls of my room. The wild colors of Mom’s newest decorating feat left me awake until I fell into exhaustion. Using colors that are too Yang can keep the child’s “action button” caught in the on position! My bed position was a big Feng Shui no-no – placed directly under a window giving me a feeling of floating and abandonment. Poor Mom. Her instincts were way off base in her latest attempts to bring cheer to my room. I loved the action room during daylight hours, but as night approached, I began acting out, trying to escape the Oz dreams by hiding under the bed. This was the storage area for games, books, tablets and my favorite Crayolas. I snuggled securely into the clutter and fell asleep hiding from the witch.

During Feng Shui consultations, parents are cautioned on negative uses of color, bunk beds, under the bed storage, beds lined up with the bedroom door creating health problems, angled ceilings, child’s bedrooms located over a garage or a bed lined up with a bathroom on an adjoining wall.

Bathrooms are considered the weakest areas of our homes and need special attention. Color, design, neglected plumbing or buckling flooring need correcting according to Feng Shui principles.

As a a quiet child (believe it or not?), I didn’t confide my childhood terror to my parents until I was 40-something! They reacted with unbelieving laughter, surprised their now-fearless daughter was so traumatized by a seemingly innocent movie.

The mythical beast lurks somewhere in our past and present. Fear of the future, fame and reputation or maybe fear of finding your talent and destiny. Using a favorite mythical image or statue in the office, might give you courage for stepping into the unknown void of potential.

Today’s children are exposed and bombarded with wild images, and seem to have a better grasp on magical images such as dragons, dinosaurs and alligators then we did. Recently while stocking up at a local merchants’ outlet on grocery needs, a huge slime green 5-ft. beast peeked out of a toy bin. Wild yellow eyes set high on this alligator’s head lurked back at me. I thought I heard the monster say ‘you need me!’ in a slow deliberate hypnotizing whisper. “No, I don’t. You’re ugly and a bad color of green.”

As if in a trance, I reached for the ugly, bulky body and shoved into the cart. Trying to hide a 5-ft. green alligator in the shopping cart is not an easy feat. I shoved his tail one way and his head popped up looking into my eyes with a loving look.

Getting to the check out counter was an experience. No less than 12 children and adults petted this pillow-stuffed reptile. Cranky and stressed faces turned to laughter. Children giggled and parents wanted to know the direction of the toy’s birth bin. This ugly loving treasure became a source of unseen delight. “My grandsons are coming to visit soon and they will have fun with this stuffed green pillow,” I mechanically reasoned as the crowd passed us by. He rode home in the truck with his eyes on the road. Now that this protector beast is living in my home, he needs his space and will wait for the little guys during their vaction. Fame or maybe the Children and Creativity side of the house.

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