A Life Changing List, Part 2

I’m sure you have made several million lists in your life. There are grocery lists, daily lists, calendar lists, wish lists, intention lists, Christmas lists, to-do lists, honey-do lists, shopping lists and doodling while on the phone lists. But it is strange to wake up one day and find you better write a Rest-of-My-Life To-Do List!

Wealth_SymbolThis is exactly what I decided to do one day, when I found my self at the bottom of everyone’s Things-To-Do-For-Caroline List. Yes, my name had dropped out of sight on my loved ones list. My daughter, my son, my daughter-in-law, my husband and other close relatives were not supporting me or my wishes. My friends stayed strong as always, but something needed to change in the Family Tree. I have learned enough throughout my life’s lessons, that you must make yourself happy first and then the circle becomes complete. Instead of crying Poor Me, I got out my paper and pencil and began to estimate how much time I approximately had to live. It was just another no-nonsense business approach or reality check of life spans of people in my family tree. How many Earth years might I have left to accomplish the things I wanted to do? Looking over my wish list, I decided that learning to ride a horse is one I can cross off the list. At 60-something, keeping my bones intact might be a better wish.

Travel_Grand_Canyon_GrandmasterI began to think deeply about being of service. This is the mission of human beings, and we forget that love is the greatest gift to others and ourselves. I pondered over the teaching of my greatest teacher to date. His Holiness Grandmaster Lin Yun has changed my whole way of thinking, as has traveling with him in his homeland of China and Taiwan. Professor has so perfected his personal Chi that he is able to heal. His Christ and Buddha energy is profound, and when he touches the forehead of someone, his /her inner light is altered. He will always tell those who listen that doing good deeds is what raises your Chi. As you practice good deeds, your Chi is cultivated and you become healthy and strong, and you remember how you can contribute to the world.

I began to cultivate my Chi several years ago by not blaming others for my problems, meditating, forgiving, and listening to the whispers within. It is all within and not on the outside.

I decided I might have 15 good years left to travel, teach, and take people on tours to China and other wonderful places. I want to go back to Ireland, China, and Taiwan, and also see Tibet, Europe, Greece and maybe Africa. I began my Life List . . .


  1. made an altar for all my sacred objects.
  2. Feng Shui’d every room to active my desires and intentions.
  3. reinforced the intentions and left room for listening.
  4. lovingly let go of toxic relationships (big one).
  5. stopped working so hard at things which I didn’t like anymore.
  6. moved forward with hard decisions on auspicious days.
  7. sleep.
  8. read.
  9. respect myself so others would follow suit.
  10. raised my prices!
  11. am giving myself what others couldn’t give me.
  12. took back my happiness and began laughing.
  13. quit asking permission.
  14. put “Ego” to bed.
  15. stopped teaching and speaking in locations that didn’t support life.
  16. made major decisions.
  17. am giving myself time to have fun.

The list continues and as I accomplish one mission, I mark off it off the list. I may only have a few minutes or several years to fulfill my purpose, but I’m on a roll now. I challenge you to evaluate your life and see if you are on target or if you need speed up the process.

A Life Changing List

Wealth_SymbolLast January, I began to change my life. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote the number one. First on the list was how much longer I might live. To estimate the time I might have on the planet Earth, I recorded all the ages of most of my relatives who have died natural deaths. It read something like this. Mama Sheppard 73, Papa Sheppard 97, who were my mother’s parents, followed by my father’s mother and father, Daddy John 67, Mimi 74. Next I entered my father’s age, barely 75 and mother’s death at 83. Now I added aunts and uncles, 57, 56, 98, 96 a couple of cousins here and there to fill in the spaces. It was not a sad picture, but a family tree of sorts.

There was cancer, heart trouble, strokes, emphysema, Alzheimer’s and other serious conditions associated with these diseases. Other ancestors of mine lived long lives. I decided the ones who lived the longest were the happiest or laziest. Next I wrote the names out again and “visited” each person’s life one by one. It seemed the ones who suffered the most either gave too much or too little of themselves and did not fulfill dreams and wishes. I came to the conclusion they were too busy trying to make everyone else happy, being good or trying to control others. While they were alive I heard their stories of woe and felt compassion, but being a child you just observe and listen. By the way, if you want a quick summery of what’s wrong in a household, ask a child from the ages of four to ten. They will give you an honest answer in a second. I have done this on occasion with a puzzling case of how best to help a family with Feng Shui.

All in all, if I don’t get hit with a trolley car, I have 20 more years. It could be quality years, or it could get iffy in 10 years. When you are 21, you think you will live forever; so I trotted along and forgot to take a tally of years lived, how many happy and how many not so happy. Most of the unhappy ones, I realized, I was half to blame. If this were a business report, I would certainly be in trouble and change my business strategy. Yes, I was certain, my Good Deeds total was lacking. I must make a quick change! Who am I and what did I come to this planet for? I was born an Earth sign, with an Earth rising as an astrologist would say, I have a Water moon and am on the cusp of Fire. That means I love to boss, cook for everyone, have a home and family, care for people, take chances, talk too much, listen, have opinions, drive fast, be impatient and wear lipstick…so what is wrong with that?

Now on the other hand, my Chinese Chart says I’m private, can be cold (Metal), a thinker, love to gain knowledge, secretive, sensual, wise, need to teach; I also have Water, Wood, Earth and Fire. So I can be rigid, loving, flowing, patient and emotional. “It’s time to accept and embrace these aspects,” I decided, “cause if I goof up now, I won’t have time to correct the mistakes. I must make a really great list and follow through with grace and good times,” I surmised. (Next week, The List)

The Mysteries of the Plant World

HbirdI have found the plant world fascinating for as long as I can remember. According to my father’s recollection, I picked every weed and flower within my reach, only to pull apart and detach each part or petal, one at a time, until only a naked lonely stem remained in my chubby clenched fist. A puzzled look formed on my face as I watched the pretty little remains of the plant slip away into the summer’s breeze.

Nothing was safe during my safaris. Daddy said my favorite varmints were those with the most legs and I would delight in showing the latest catch to Mother, who reacted with screams which woke up the dead, he related. Upturned rocks revealed critters in every size and shape, I recalled. “Rollie bugs were really fun, as it took them a long time to escape. Snakes slithered at rapid speed, scooting across rocks and hiding deeper into cracks and crannies, and I learned if you grabbed them by the tail, it sometimes fell off, but the slick long body didn’t slow down and scurried on its way, with or without the remaining skin. “How did that happen,” I wondered.

Grubs and worms could be found in special moist dark dirt. I delighted in collecting the creatures with my Grandfather Sheppard for his fishing trips. I rode in his old black car on an upturned bucket, which replaced the passenger side seat on fishing days. But by Sunday morning the car was cleaned and polished and the “real seat” put back in place for my Grandmother. Mama and Papa Sheppard’s car was fully packed with grandchildren on the Sabbath, like sardines, as I recall. On my mother’s side of the family I had twenty- two cousins and there was never a dull moment when we got together. It took a lot of fish to fill up “us children” and their parents for Sunday dinner.

Out of all the cousins, though, I was the least squeamish youngster and could be counted on to help Grandpa bait his hooks. We were a lot alike. He loved the outdoors, the silence and at later at eighty-three years old, took up painting. He painted on any surface that didn’t move and created many, many wonderful pictures before he “went home to his maker” at ninety-seven. I still have two of his masterpieces, one of two Indians and another of a country scene with a house, trees and a fishing pond. We had a wonderful letter-writing relationship during his artist days, as I was teaching college art and he asked many questions about paints, brushes and thinners in his correspondence. We shared a lot in common about gardening and wildlife, which was also passed down to my Mother before I was born.

FMavPoppyLater I studied at length on the properties of my of these “foods” used by “Mother’s people.” From sassafras to dandelions, the plants we now call weeds provided our ancestors with vitamins and minerals needed for health. Poke and Dock were two “weeds” which “cleaned you out” and were cooked with spinach to tone down their effects. The greens, as they were called, simmered on the back of the stove, until they were safe to eat. Vinegar was added to give them tartness, and sometimes turnips were added to pot and boiled in the dark juices.

Some of my favorite herbs are as far away as your back yard. They vary from climate to climate, but living many different places in my life, I have been able to gather and use easily, dandelion, which contains many minerals and cleanses the liver. Its golden flower contains beta carotene and can be added to pancakes and muffins, mullein for the lungs, horsetail contains silica, stinging nettles is a super plant to restore blood and has a multitude of uses. As a young plant can be cooked as a vegetable, oat straw to calm and heal nerve damage, plantain for insect stings, sage for crones aches and pains, red clover as a blood cleanser and cancer preventive, Hawthorne berries for regulating blood pressure, whether high or low, rose hips for a vitamin C tea, chamomile to calm the nerves and help for sleeplessness, fennel for a spicy treat, miner’s lettuce to add in salads.

Walking into your own backyard, you may still find many of these powerful helpers, as they tend to come to you when you need their help. When giving Feng Shui consultations, I always observe the plants surrounding the property. Nature has a unique memory and will support your body. Although not all people are interested in finding out more about these natural foods and medicines, I feel fortunate to have learned this knowledge from my Grandfather and Mother. I give classes on tincturing many of these natural remedies and hope the names of these plants may give you a desire to see what cures are living in your own backyard.

Hello from Mexico

FdesertSouth America has welcomed Feng Shui with open arms. There are many Feng Shui books translated into Spanish, especially from some of Professor Lin Yun’s early students. This country is at home with the Earth Element and builds houses to reflect its nurturing Mother Earth feeling. I feel very at home in Mexico. We lived in Arizona for many years. I used my little bit of high school Spanish when we crossed the border often to shop or fish in the desolate lower and wild regions of Mexico. With my features and olive skin tones I was always mistaken for a local and so was warmly welcomed and approached by strangers until they heard my Oklahoma accent, and then we would all laugh at my attempt to communicate.

This is an email requesting a picture I am still trying to locate on my website which I drew to give an example of a perfect house. He obviously finds it and sends the page back to me and I am able to answer his questions while looking at the drawing. You know how computers swallow up things. I need to talk to my webmaster to see if I can locate my onsite page reference on the house!

Hello Caroline, this is from Mexico!

I do want to ask you for a very special favor.

Could you please send me the www.fengshuiartistry.com/Dos/perfecthome.gif image in high resolution format?

I’ll build a brand new house taking your ideas … Feel proud of yourself!

PS: Do you think it is important the house orientation?

PS2: What do you think about a “shield” protecting the back, front and both sides? (See attached file)

Let me thank you in advance,
A builder in Mexico

Dear Builder,

Thank you for your interest and insight for building happier homes. I’m sorry I don’t retain the high resolution of the picture you are referring to, it was only a sketch. Where is the page on the website located? I have forgotten where the webmaster placed it.

I’m glad you are building a Feng Shui-friendly house. The best Feng Shui-shaped house is square, round or rectangle, so energy or Chi can’t be trapped. Round houses are very good.

No bathrooms should be in the middle of any structure, homes or city buildings, as all energy of all family members or workers is depleted. Also, no toilets in the far back left corner (Wealth) or far back right corner (Partnership). Bathrooms are best placed between Quas or sections. Also, none over the front door if it is two stories and none in view when entering a dwelling.

No “shields” or special mirrors (Bagua with the I-Ching written on them) are needed, unless you have schools, factories, graveyards, hospitals, etc. next door or nearby, which are Yin in nature or dangerous problems near by. My Master teacher says it is better to be ten miles or more from graveyards.

Yin is not bad as we need Yin and Yang equally to live, but it is best to live in “alive places” which are Yang. Bedrooms should have a Yin or darker feeling and placed near the back of a dwelling so sleep is not disturbed by traffic and daytime activities.


Dear Caroline, I’m glad I got your reply.

Too bad you don’t have the high resolution image, because I cannot understand some words you wrote on it.

Could it be possible you could tell me what’s written on it?

For example: (IN THE WEALTH CORNER) I can read there is a lamp, sliding doors, plug-in fountain, toy storage and computer for the play room, but I cannot read what’s underlined.

Thank you for your help,



persimmonsCould you send me the page to view? I’m not finding it. I will be leaving for Taiwan soon, so am trying to help everyone before I leave next week. . . Thanks for sending the page to review. These are just suggestions that I added to give the viewer ideas to use to bring in the energies. I put a hobby desk, family pictures, etc. in this drawing. These aren’t rules, but family study or a large table for crafts is what was drawn. The wealth corner is also a good place for a dining room, with a mirror reflecting the food on the table. Pictures of fish, a calm lake, crystal chandelier over the table and the color of purple work in this area, as well as grapes, purple walls, or just the color here and there. Don’t forget coins and piggy banks.

There are a couple of things I would now do differently. Try to build the bedrooms to have the all beds facing the front door or having a “view” of the front door (if you could see through the walls). The beds, desk and stove should be in a commanding position to the front door or architectural front door to welcome Chi and opportunities.

Good luck and let me know how the design works for you and your clients.


Various Interests & Mentors

Wealth_Symbol_150Combining her various interests, of teaching, art instruction, herbal knowledge, illustration, writing and Feng Shui, Caroline opened a business called, Caroline’s Arts and Feng Shui Shoppe located on the waterfront in Benicia, California in 1994. The location was chosen with Feng Shui Principles and was an immediate success. The space became a magnet for workshops, unexpected gatherings and guests from around the world.

With the success of thousands of clients ranging from physicians, CEO’s of large and small businesses, school systems, city government, publishing corporations, research facilities, outlet shopping malls, China businesses, health centers, animal kennels, interior design and architectural companies she has gained a reputation of locating the problems quickly and correcting the situation.

Acorn_ChinaAcorn Product Development Company, based in California’s Silicon Valley are North American Leaders in new product design/mechanical engineering.

Over 50 companies in 2007, such as Apple, Cisco, Logitech and Siemens Medical rely on Acorn. She has consulted in their expansion to China and Boston.

When companies expand, Caroline listens to her clients needs and helps them grow according to Chi flow, implementing correct Feng Shui design choices, color applications and select proper art pieces for each space.

Other mentors include Alexis Summerfield, Jean Crain, Mary Evans, Roger Green, Deborah Gee, Teacher Ho Lynn (a.k.a. Jetsun Darma of Yuan Yuan Ed Foundation), William Spears, Lillian Bridges and Katherine Metz. These studies deepen her ability to understand the ancient science and apply it to our modern world of technology.

She is available upon request to educate people, such as CEO’s and employees, of their company’s potential, through city and corporate lectures, evaluating the companies, one family at a time.

Caroline dedicates this website to the late Grandmaster Lin Yun, who named her BorNei and thanks him for his service and compassion to mankind.