International Feng Shui Conference, Part I

My father always told me, “time speeds up as you get older,” and as a little girl I certainly doubted this strange idea of time and space. It seemed time was always against me as it dragged on and on, especially on hot summer days when I would beg my mother to take me swimming. “Pretty soon,” was the answer, and what does “pretty soon” mean anyway? What did pretty have to do with soon? They didn’t seem related at all.

PdeersFun time always went so fast, and it felt like the wind was at my back pushing me quickly ahead and my feet were racing forward running, jumping, climbing, swimming or dancing in the latest recital. I loved anything with a motor or wheels, and at 11 years old got into a lot of trouble when I drove my daddy’s two-ton, five-gear, flatbed truck through his new ranch-style pine fence. I failed to understand his stern reaction about the “accident” to my face, but he laughed like crazy when he told his friends.

A few weeks later I was learning to shift gears in my brother’s 1948 Chevy. I backed the jalopy to the end of the driveway slowly, hoping my father’s nap would continue, then slid forward in the car seat as far as possible, stretching my left foot and placing it on the clutch, then placing my right toe on the gas and with a rhythm only known to those who have driven stick-shift vehicles, I lunged forward in a shaky manner and the car zoomed forward. So energized by the thrill of driving the 200-yard race course, I didn’t notice my father at the front door in, God forbid, his boxer shorts underwear. When my Dad was really angry, proper attire wasn’t an issue and living out in the pre-suburbs (before we had neighbors) was to his advantage.

During my early youth, if I wasn’t to be found on the roof, I was setting up a tea party in my brother’s tree house or hanging upside down in the neighbor’s backyard swing set. Setting still wasn’t an option, and I’m sure I’m now getting a payback from my early antics via my grandchildren, as both of my little ones have now acquired riding lawn mowers to “play on,” thanks to my husband!

Every time I leave home for a Feng Shui event, they plot against Grandma, with Grandpa at the helm. The two innocent lawn mowers had no motors when I left for the International Feng Shui Conference, and I assumed that is the way they would stay for a couple of years. The little demon motorless things were only “for play,” I assumed, and as I always advise my clients NEVER ASSUME, as I have learned with TIME, I ignored my own advice. Other people have other agendas and can exert free will when other people are out of sight. Other people (my husband) got on eBay and found motors for the old, but fun, shells of lawn mowers and installed then into the motionless toys. Now my six-year-old is driving all over our four lots. Payback is sweet. Leave home and control leaves with you.

Learning the energies of your family can be enlightening and life changing. Attending the recent Conference in San Luis Obispo for 6 days was a delight. Presented by Roger Green, internationally known for his seven schools of Wind and Water or Feng Shui throughout the world, he is one of the top authorities on the Art of Placement. His teaching abilities and experience into the world of Compass School mysteries is extensive. Translating the Chinese Lo P`an Compass into English over 20 years ago has been the catalyst of transformation for the Western world in understanding Chi or unseen energies which flow into every space.

I had made contact with Roger several months ago to ask him if I could present my new Feng Shui art series called The Five Elements. He was intrigued by the idea, and I promised I wouldn’t embarrass him with the quality of my paintings. I figured I would have six months of leisure time to produce the work. And then life moved rapidly forward as I went to China with Master Lin Yun’s group for three weeks, to see where Feng Shui began. Consultations and speaking engagements greeted my return and all of a sudden, TIME was flying by quickly and I could see myself “in a world of hurt,” as my husband likes to say.

I warned everyone in the family to not talk to me or ask me for food for two weeks, but I had forgotten my daughter from the Bay Area was coming for a birthday invitation the coming week, oops! My daughter and I played for another week, sailing on a charter boat with a garden group to Friday Harbor to Pelindaba Lavender Farm (, a beautiful trip on my friend’s charter boats called the Paracletes ( with Barbara Blossom Ashmun, weekly columnist for The Better Homes and Garden magazine. What fun! Barbara is a delight, very approachable and was very interested about Feng Shui and the shapes of gardens which enhance the outdoor living spaces. We talked the afternoon away as the chartered boat sailed through the San Juan Islands and home to the Mainland of Washington State.

The last week was approaching, and I began to go a little wild looking at the blank canvas and the deadline one week away. My daughter, who had turned into a lovely woman many years ago, when TIME still seemed forever, reassured me that I would pull “it” off as always, which gave me new confidence, then turned and waved a goodbye she boarded the shuttle back to the airport. As a child and a teenager, she spent many hours waiting for me to finish teaching art classes and was usually bored and mad as my classes dragged on, according to her analysis.

The countdown was now at five days, and I became totally serious as I positioned the first 48 x 48 canvas on the art easel. I put a new CD into the player and listened as my new music tape from Gaia filled the house with balancing music and I began to visualize the Element of Wood. I looked out my west window at the 200-foot cypress trees and put the brush to the canvas. Five Elements in five days, may the Gods be with me. (Continued next week – Time, the five Elements, and purpose).

Dead End Doorways to the Future

Wealth_Symbol_150I receive many questions from high school and college students on the impact of using Feng Shui in their lives. Some parents may not consider Feng shui as a tool to change their children’s lives. They should take a look at the value of this form of balance, as it could help many divorced parents find peace in their homes, which overflows into their grown children’s lives. The Art of Placement does have an effect through color , design and environment. Every house or room you have lived in impacts an energy print on the way you perceive life. Here is yet another question from a frustrated youth. Today’s children grow up too quickly and then return home because of various situations. Try Feng Shui for helping them move forward and finding their future and purpose. Here is some advice for finding that unique path.

Dear Caroline,

I don’t exactly need to know much about the house, but more about my room. I’m 20 and I still live with my mom, I’ve been out of a job since last November when I quit to go see my dad in Georgia (parents are divorced). Anyway, it’s been hard for me to find a job and get on a path to accomplish goals in my life. I recently got into Feng Shui so I’m trying to arrange my room to help me in life. My problem is that when I walk into my room or my Career area, the door opens up so I face a dead end wall (it’s actually the same for the actual entryway to the house), and the rest of the room is on the right. I figure this might have something to do with my difficulties finding work since my Career area of my room is pretty non-existent. What can I do to help fix this problem? A quick response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

A Reader

Dear Reader,

Thank you for realizing your surrounding environment could have an impact on your life! This ancient form of Balance and Harmony called Feng Shui was originally used to find the perfect surroundings to build villages, grow crops, provide temples of worship and be protected from the ravages of storms and drought. Today we can use this same theory to energize not only our homes, businesses, plots of land, cities and nations, but also a desk, room, bed, boat, car and the human body!

Everything has a measured energy. Under the earth are energy grids which criss-cross the entire earth. The study of these earth energies is called geomancy. I have learned the basis of this energy or Chi and how it works and how it affects homes and clients. Animals are very attuned to these forces, some more than others. A dog will not lay on a stress line, while a wild cat and some domestic felines seem to enjoy healing the troublesome spot by stretching over the area while sleeping. I’ll relate a quick consultation where this was indeed the case.

A divorced woman called me several years ago to help her overcome her distress of the situation. She was unhappy about her whole life and couldn’t seem to move forward. Her cat followed us throughout the most of the consultation and then disappeared. It was a very hot day of over 98 degrees, which is quite warm for the Bay Area of California. As we walked outside to finish the outdoor session of the consultation, there was the large 14-year-old, longhaired cat lying in the sun on the direct corner of a missing Partnership section of the home. The poor animal was panting as there was no shade on this corner out in the middle of the parched area where a corner post should have been connected a room to this far back right portion of the house. I had already concluded that missing piece of a floor plan could cause stress to a marriage, but the cat KNEW there was an imbalance to the home site.

Underground energies are a big problem when one of these lines falls in an important Qua or section of the eight-sided Bagua used as a tool for the practitioner to map the home.

The other interesting mystery of this consultation was the woman had been divorced 12 years, and I was mislead as to the time frame of the final separation, as in her conversation, it was as if it was yesterday. She could not let go of the past, was in several lawsuits and it showed in almost every section of the home. The cat was certainly working overtime, trying to correct earth energies in the house and under the property. Why am I telling you this? Because the energy in the house where you live does affect everyone in the structure. If you really want to change your future, start in your room and work outward, or work from the front yard inward visualizing what the Chi sees as it passes your Mother’s house. Is it inviting or blocked? If the dwelling is a condo or apartment, it is even more important to distinguish your apartment from the neighbor’s.

Can Santa Claus find YOUR house?

Make it stand out in a positive way by adding red flowers in black pots, for example. So it’s winter, add silk flowers with a seasonal touch. Entryways are truly important. This is called the ‘mouth of Chi’ where the unseen energy enters your home.

Yes, if there only seems to be a few feet to a wall on entry, a large mirror should be hung. Some schools of Feng Shui thought claim differently. Go with what feels right to you. I can tell you in my experience, this is a great cure and opens up possibilities. Get rid of any clutter such as shoes, boots or coats and take your books and mail to another place and file it. I have a three-shelf basket away from the door. Get rid of junk mail as you stand there and don’t let it pile up on the kitchen counter or a desk. When a desk is overflowing it gives a signal to the universe that you are already overloaded in the progress department. A fountain which is maintained, on and running at this entry will help bring opportunities.

Now that is finished opportunities began to flow into the house. Are you ready for the next steps of change? The corner to the right of the entry is also a very, very important Gua called Helpful People and Travel. A wallboard containing business cards of networking people, including your father’s picture or any other important person’s name, is considered an enhancement. A silver container is also a great tool for placing a written note about what you want in the future dated and signed, a mini contract for forward movement. Be ready for opportunities you don’t expect, as opportunities come in different directions, not planned. Clutter busting is the best way to draw the Chi into your space. It leaves the space open for new possibilities.

Now comes your room. Where is it located on the floor plan? Since you are 20 years old a front bedroom is best, grabbing opportunities quickly near the front door. A mirror is also needed on the first short wall you mentioned on entering your bedroom. The reflective surface insures the balance of the element of Water and creates a ‘doorway’ of openings. Check out the far back corner of the home and your room. Both areas need activation for Wealth. A picture of a gently flowing river is a good addition, or something purple. Chinese coins are effective as they are round and square, the symbol of Yin and Yang or the Tai Chi of life.

I’m thrilled you are considering Feng Shui to help you achieve your goals. I get many emails from students in high school and college, wanting information on the Art of Placement for term papers. The practice is defiantly ancient but very useful in our modern world. Last year I spoke to the AMA Continental Congress of Surgeons and their spouses in San Francisco at their conference for a six-hour workshop about mapping their homes. I will again be teaching five Feng Shui classes for a college in the northwest in 2004. There is a foundation on the study of Geomancy in Berkeley, California. Maybe you should look into that for a study, job-related field.

Feng Shui the home and your room for the best results. Good luck and let me know your results using Feng Shui.

Asilomar II

Bedrooms have a life of their own. From childhood homes to your present house, every structure has had an impression on your life.

There are feng shui rules that apply to children’s bedrooms as well as the partners who discipline the household.

Recently I traveled to southern California to again speak for the Santa Clara Reading Council convention. They had again invited me to speak to the educational systems of this county on feng shui. This was my third yearly trek to Pacific Grove, California. The famous facility of Asilomar is located on the Monterey coastline of the Pacific Ocean

Schoolteachers, superintendents, principles and other speakers gather to learn the newest skills to bring their students the best available information. 4000 of these dedicated teachers fill the classrooms and lodges for three full days. Feng shui was a new concept in the arrangement of the classroom. Putting the teacher in a power position and the students in the productive guas according to their interests. The ancient Chinese bagua or eight-sided mathematically equal grid fits over the classroom giving support to the teacher as well as the students.

My one-hour teaching assignment was on the subject of classroom organization for harmony and balance. The room limit was 40 people; 75+ people filled the room. Many younger teachers sat on the floor while 20 latecomers stood for the session.

Wealth_SymbolTo my amusement the subject of the lecture, swiftly shifted to partnerships, relationships, marriages, divorces and affairs. The questions quickly showed me that almost everyone is having a difficult time with their partner. It’s called a “realignment”. Every so many years we must shift or be shifted. It is a temporary chaos, which is affecting many couples. Use feng shui for relief. Try not to blame and hold major decisions until the dust settles. September 11th is still rumbling throughout the nation and reflecting in our personal lives.

Here is one example of many e-mails I have received lately.

Dear Caroline,

My life is falling apart. Husband has left me for a younger woman but wants to come home. I have a back injury and cannot work. I have applied for SSI and will know soon if I get it. I watch my granddaughter and make about $35 a week. I am trying to improve my home from your articles, as I have no money for a consult or a book. I made a partnership corner in the kitchen, but wonder if I should move my bedroom back upstairs over the kitchen. That bedroom is a guest room done in blue and mauve and it has many “pairs” in the décor. My bedroom is now in the left front corner of the house. I could then put the living room there, and the now living/dining room would just be dining room. I could even move the front door to the left of the double window on the south wall. This would make it face the street. I have added some lilacs to the bath and also some bright lavender towels. I also put garland of blue and purple flowers over the windows and bathtub. The walls are cream and the floors are forest green. I put a chunk of amethyst crystal and a string of pearls on the counter with the lilacs. If I could afford to, I would have you do my whole house!! Thank you for any help you may be able to give me.

Your dilemma sounds serious. My questions to you would be:

  • How long have you lived in this house?
  • Who lived there before you?
  • What house were you living in when the chaos began?
  • How long have you been married?
  • What is the underlying problem?
  • Family, friends, business partners.
  • Why did you get married?
  • What are you ages?
  • How many children?
  • First husband?

Patterns are continually repeated until we get the point. There are four control methods we use in life: intimidator, interrogator, poor me and aloof. I have used all of them in my 41-year marriage! The universe or God talks to us through the body. I only recommend and keep books that have changed my life. One is “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay. The vertebra in the back are listed and each one corresponds to a message the body is sending the brain. How long did I want to suffer? The back relates to the need to forgive past issues. I used the corresponding affirmation for healing, repeating the words again and again as they penetrated my body, mind and soul until I released the issue. I walked four miles a day for five years as I wanted to heal my body and move forward in life.

Madonna_and_ChildAs a consultant, three related components of mind, body and spirit. All must be examined to help the client.

The first step could be getting rid of 27 things in 9 days. The energy of this number promotes change. What possessions are you holding onto just because? Is the house cluttered? This is the first clue to the puzzle of stagnant chi.

Your colors and changes sound terrific. I would reclaim the partnership bedroom. Do you want your husband back? I always advise working toward your dream. This is when marriages fall apart, when one or both of the partners feel they have been denied their passion and purpose. It’s never about you — it’s about the other one’s struggle to find their destiny. It’s a natural desire to reach your potential.

Resentment festers and causes deep regret. Illness results. To change relationships, get a new mattress. The old one contains emotional and physical DNA of the last relationship. If you believe you will fail, you will. Pink is the color of love. Yellow is for healing. Use these colors in clothing for yourself and the center of the house. Please continue to educate yourself on feng shui and contact me if you have more questions.

Feng shui and herbal suggestions are suggestions only. Consult a qualified medical doctor for medical treatment.